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Lowther Hall Nora Collisson Centre (Library): Research Note Taking

Taking Notes

Here we will explore the best ways to take different types of notes:

1. Study Notes

2. Research Notes

Study Note Taking

How to take Study Notes

How to take Cornell Notes for Class or Study

Your teacher might suggest that you take Cornell Notes during class or part of your study routine.


Was the following video which explains how to create them and use them.

Production: 2012   Duration: 5:26 min  Accessed: 6 September 2021

Beginners guide to how to take Research Notes

You must keep good notes as part of your research. It is part of the second stage in the Lowther Hall research framework of A FACT (F = Find and Record). Above left is a link to a simple document which will help you keep your research notes in order. 

Four Tips To Use Highlighting To Actually Learn