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PE & Sport: Hockey

Heaps of information on fitness and nutrition


Junior Hockey Lesson 5

Junior Hockey Lesson 4

Junior Hockey Lesson 2

Junior Hockey Lesson 1

Instructions: follow the lesson plan in order.

  • If you don’t have a hockey stick or ball, please collect from school before next week. 
  • Complete the Warm Up, followed by the Conditioning Circuit.  There is no Skills session this week until everyone has a stick and ball (tennis ball or similar is ok)
  • You can choose to do the conditioning activities with low weights if you have them at home (ie 1kg) if you don’t have weights, you do not need to use them or you could substitute for 2 x filled water or milk bottles, tin cans or shopping bags with books.
  • It is very important to participate in both the warm up and stretches to avoid injury and muscle soreness. Please ensure you have listened carefully to the safety brief from your teacher.
  • Motivational music is encouraged! 


WARM UP (8-10min)                         

20 x squats                                                                 

50 x fast feet (on spot)                                    

20 x star jumps                       

15 x squats or squat jumps (heel raises if you have knee issues)                               

20 x elbow to opposite knee lifts                                 

10 x mountain climbers                                               

30 sec plank hold                                                        



Drink break & stretch.  Select 6 Stretches you have done in your PE or Sport classes and hold each stretch for 30 seconds each. 3 minutes 



* Complete each activity for 45sec with 15sec rest

Shuttle runs – mark out 8-10 paces in a hallway, backyard or driveway. You could use shoes or socks to mark out distance. Run or jog back & forth, forward facing both ways.

Squat jumps – stick your bottom out as you bend at the knees and lower into a squat, then push yourself up into the air as you stand and jump.

Straight arm air punches – alternate forward arm punches as fast as you can.

Skipping – with or without a skipping rope, fast & consistent.

Push ups – on knees or toes.  You can start on toes on drop to knees. Keep a straight back.

Bicep curls – 1kg weights, tin cans, drink bottles filled with water, shopping bag with books. Take care to curl up and down at the same, controlled pace.

Mountain Climbers – in plank position alternate knees into the chest quickly or take knee to elbow slowly, alternating each leg.

Crunches – laying on back with feet in the air, sitting up to try and reach your feet.


Drink break – 1min rest/recovery and repeat Conditioning circuit


SKILLLS - No skills this week


Cool down Stretching: hold stretches for 30 seconds each. 5 minutes 

Intermediate Hockey Lesson 4

Intermediate Hockey Lesson 2

Intermediate Hockey Lesson 1

Instructions: follow the lesson plan in order.

  • Complete the Warm Up, followed by the Conditioning Circuit and Skills Session as outlined.
  • You can choose to do the conditioning activities with low weights if you have them at home (ie 1kg) if you don’t have weights, you do not need to use them or you could substitute for 2 x filled water or milk bottles, tin cans or shopping bags with books.
  • It is very important to participate in both the warm up and stretches to avoid injury and muscle soreness. Please ensure you have listened carefully to the safety brief from your teacher.
  • Motivational music is encouraged! 


WARM UP (5min)                              

20 x squats                                                                 

50 x fast feet (on spot)                                    

20 x jumping jacks                              

15 x squats or squat jumps (high knee raises if you have knee issues)                                   

20 x elbow to opposite knee lifts                                 

10 x mountain climbers                                               

40 sec plank hold                                                                    


Drink break & stretch.  SupervisingTeacher/Hockey Captain will work through stretches and hold each stretch for 30 seconds each. 3 minutes 



* Complete each activity for 45sec with 15sec rest

Shuttle runs – mark out 8-10 paces in a hallway, backyard or driveway. You could use shoes or socks to mark out distance. Run or jog back & forth, forward facing both ways.

Squat jumps – stick your bottom out as you bend at the knees and lower into a squat, then push yourself up into the air as you stand and jump.

Straight arm air punches – alternate forward arm punches as fast as you can.

Skipping – with or without a skipping rope, fast & consistent.

Push ups – on knees or toes.  You can start on toes on drop to knees. Keep a straight back.

Bicep curls – 1kg weights, tin cans, drink bottles filled with water, shopping bag with books. Take care to curl up and down at the same, controlled pace.

Mountain Climbers – in plank position alternate knees into the chest quickly or take knee to elbow slowly, alternating each leg.

Crunches – laying on back with feet in the air, sitting up to try and reach your feet.


Drink break – 1min rest/recovery


SKILLS (20-25min)

* you will need a 10-15m space to practice these skills

Stationary Dribble – work ball in front from side to side; 15sec, 30sec & 45sec as fast as can.

Walking Forward Dribble – as fast as you can dribble the ball walking forward 8-10m, hit ball gently back to start, running back to beat ball back to start. Repeat x 5

Speed Dribble – dribbling the ball in front of you as fast as you can, one hand controls the ball, while the other hand pumps forward and backward to assist running speed. Repeat x 5

Dodge Drill – use a couple of markers such as chairs or drink bottles (or a family member) to represent opponents. Dribble the ball up and down the space, changing direction to avoid opponent.  Work this drill, 45sec on/15 sec min rest. Repeat x 3


Cool down Stretching: hold stretches for 30 seconds each. 5 minutes 

Senior Hockey Lesson 2

Instructions: follow the lesson plan in order.

  • Complete the Warm Up, followed by the Conditioning Circuit and Skills Session as outlined.
  • You can choose to do the conditioning activities with low weights if you have them at home (ie 1kg) if you don’t have weights, you do not need to use them or you could substitute for 2 x filled water or milk bottles, tin cans or shopping bags with books.
  • It is very important to participate in both the warm up and stretches to avoid injury and muscle soreness. Please ensure you have listened carefully to the safety brief from your teacher.
  • Motivational music is encouraged! 


WARM UP (8-10min)                         

20 x squats                                                                 

50 x fast feet (on spot)                                    

20 x jumping jacks                              

15 x squats or squat jumps (high knee raises if you have knee issues)                                   

20 x elbow to opposite knee lifts                                 

10 x mountain climbers                                               

40 sec plank hold                                                        



Drink break & stretch.  Hockey Captain will work through stretches and hold each stretch for 30 seconds each. 3 minutes 



* Complete each activity for 45sec with 15sec rest

Shuttle runs – mark out 8-10 paces in a hallway, backyard or driveway. You could use shoes or socks to mark out distance. Run or jog back & forth, forward facing both ways.

Squat jumps – stick your bottom out as you bend at the knees and lower into a squat, then push yourself up into the air as you stand and jump.

Straight arm air punches – alternate forward arm punches as fast as you can.

Skipping – with or without a skipping rope, fast & consistent.

Push ups – on knees or toes.  You can start on toes on drop to knees. Keep a straight back.

Bicep curls – 1kg weights, tin cans, drink bottles filled with water, shopping bag with books. Take care to curl up and down at the same, controlled pace.

Mountain Climbers – in plank position alternate knees into the chest quickly or take knee to elbow slowly, alternating each leg.

Crunches – laying on back with feet in the air, sitting up to try and reach your feet.


Drink break – 1min rest/recovery


SKILLS – you will need an 10-15m space to practice these skills

Stationary Dribble – work ball in front from side to side; 15sec, 30sec & 45sec as fast as can.

Walking Forward Dribble – as fast as you can 8-10m, hit ball gently back to start, running back to beat ball back to start. Repeat x 10

Speed Dribble – dribbling the ball in front of you as fast as you can, one hand controls the ball, while the other hand pumps forward and backward to assist running speed. Repeat x 10

Dodge Drill – use a couple of markers such as chairs or drink bottles (or a family member) to represent opponents. Dribble the ball up and down the space, changing direction to avoid opponent.  Work this drill, 3min on/1min rest.

Change Speed/Direction Drill – re-set three markers in a straight line, about 3 paces between each one.   Start this drill dribbling the ball ahead of you. Upon reaching the first marker, perform a dodge, change speed and then go the other way making your way to the next marker.  Dodge up, sprint back. Repeat x 5

Pull Back Drill – place a marker about 10m-15m in front of you and using a speed dribble, move forward as fast as you can. About 3 yards away from the cone, you need to slow down and reach out for the ball with your stick and pull it in towards you. Repeat x 5


Cool down Stretching: hold stretches for 30 seconds each. 5 minutes