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Raymond House Library: A FACT: Step 3: Analyse & Select

Your guide to the Raymond House Library


What information do I really need to answer my question?

You need to ANALYSE and SELECT what you need.

1, Analyse the type of source - you need to evaluate it for trustworthiness. Use the RADCAP test

    Analyse the information - use skim and scan to ensure it is relevant to answering your question. Highlight key points, summarise and condense your notes, to make writing easier.

2. Select the most relevant, interesting and reliable information to answer your research question. 


Is this site trustworthy?


Can I trust this website?

One quick way you can determine if a website is trustworthy or not is to look at its domain.

Look for websites that end with the domain:

.edu  - used only by schools, colleges and universities

.gov - shows it is a government website

Be wary of websites that end with the domain:

.com - can be bought and used by anyone for any purpose

.net - can be bought and used by anyone for any purpose

.org - is usually used by charity organisations which may have biased information

Skim and Scan

Make your selection

Image Source:

Read the title.
Read the introduction.
Read the first line of every paragraph.
Try to find important information such as names, dates and unusual words.
Read headings and of course subheading.
Don’t forget to read the conclusion and summary.
Do not read every single word.

Remember the word or piece of information you are looking for when you are searching.
Your eyes should run quickly over the text.
Skip over text that does not contain the information you are looking for.
Scan from top to bottom then bottom to the top of the text to look for information you might have missed.


Take the Skim and Scan Quiz by clicking the picture below

After reading the information, take the quiz. 

Is this information trustworthy?

Years 5 and 6

Click the following for more information



RADCAB worksheet

Analyse Sources for Reliability

Duration: 3:14

For Teachers

Years 5 and 6  Strategies for reading and evaluating evidence. Includes lesson plans and resources.



CRAAP Test Worksheet